Marking Variations
Marking variations occur in the foundation store and pass through breeding. Foundation horses all have at least 2 variations for all white marking genes. Variations are based on hidden genes that can not be revealed.

There are variations of:
- Tobiano & Sabino – 6
- Maximum Tobiano & Sabino – 6
- Overo – 6
- Splash White – 4
- Maximum Splash White – TBA
- Leopards – 4 per leopard marking type
- Rabicano – TBA
- Maximum Rabicano – TBA
- Roan – 3
- Maximum Roan – 3
- Manchado – 2
- Dominant White (W#) – 1, is dependent on W# gene.
Coming soon:
- Splash White total 6 variations.
Breeding Variations
It is possible for a horse to pass on its marking variation. This occurs at a fairly low rate with a higher chance of the mares marking passing than a stallions variation. This means foals may either have the variation from their sire or dam or the default variation for the gene.