The Thoroughbred can be traced back to three founding stallions, Darley Arabian, Godolphin Arabian, and the Byerly Turk. The offspring from these foundation stallions were selectively bred to produce a horse that could sustain speed over a long distance. These horses helped improve the sport of horse racing and today, Thoroughbreds are selectively bred based on characteristics and racing excellence. Organized Thoroughbred racing began in 1745 by Gov. Samuel Ogle of Maryland and has since spread across the country. Famous races include the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. These three races make up the American Triple Crown which has only been accomplished 13 times in history. American Pharoah is the only horse in history who has ever completed the Grand Slam, a Triple Crown Win and Breeders Cup Classic Win, in 2015.
Body Type: Light
Stats: Speed, endurance, Felxibility
Crosses: Appendix Quarter Horse, Iberian Warmblood, Anglo Arabian, American Warmblood, Irish Sport Horse
Base Colors: Bays, Chestnuts, Black, Creams, Greys, Flaxen
White / Other Markings: Sabino, Overo, Tobiano, Rabicano, Roan, White, Manchado
Design Lab Only Colors: None
Reserved Breeding Colors: None