Straws, Eggs, and Embryos
If you wish to preserve the genetics of a special horse you may do so in the Lab. Helix has almost perfected retrieving straws and eggs and is also able to make embryos.
Since Helix hasn’t perfected retrievals there is always a 10% fail rate on retrievals or creating an embryo.
The fertility of a straw is determined by the retrieval option used. Each retrieval for a straw uses 20% energy per success. If retrieval fails, you may try again if your horse has enough energy (20% or more).
Cost | Name | Fertility % | Straws |
15,000 bits | Fair Quality Retrieval | 60 to 65% | 1 |
50,000 bits | Average Quality Retrieval | 70 to 75% | 1 |
75,000 bits | High Quality Retrieval | 80 to 85% | 1 or 2 |
100 ingots | Superb Retrieval | 90 to 95% | 1 to 3 |

Each retrieval of a egg uses 20% energy per success. If retrieval fails, you may try again if your horse has enough energy (20% or more). Eggs retrieved from mares will keep a fertility % based on quality of retrieval. Fertility % can also be viewed as the breeding success rate. Eggs are only used to create embryos. The resulting embryo fertility % is the average of the used egg and straw.
Cost | Name | Fertility % | Eggs |
15,000 bits | Fair Quality Retrieval | 60 to 65% | 1 |
50,000 bits | Average Quality Retrieval | 70 to 75% | 1 |
75,000 bits | High Quality Retrieval | 80 to 85% | 1 |
100 ingots | Superb Retrieval | 90 to 95% | 1 or 2 |
Making Embryos
Embryos are made by combining both an egg and straw in the lab. When combining eggs and straws, there will always be a fail rate of 10%. Embryo fertility % is based on the average of the fertility % of both the straw and egg used. This means the fertility % of the embryo is the chance of a successful foal when implanted into the surrogate mare. Embryos when implanted in the surrogate mare, will instantly produce a foal based on the stallion donor straw and donor mare egg. Surrogate mares will have the normal 7-day cooldown for sucessful breedings.
Using Straws
Breeding to a mare using a straw uses both the straw fertility % and current breeding success rate of 80% and has the same 7 day cooldown for successful breeding. Using the mistletoe item will only increase the RNG breeding success rate, not the stallion straw success rate. The Breeders Promise and Horse Friendly Chocolate Truffle do not work with straws, eggs, and embryos.
Using Breeding Items
Some breeding items are possible to use when retrieving straws or eggs. The Breeders Promise and Horse Friendly Chocolate Truffle do not work with straws, eggs, and embryos.
Current useful breeding items are:
Using the mistletoe item will only increase the RNG breeding success rate of the mare, not the stallion straw success rate.
Breeding rate without mistletoe:
(straw fertility + 80%) / 2 = success rate
Breeding with mistletoe:
(straw fertility + 90%) / 2 = success rate
Retrieval Fails & Successes
Both mares and stallions have a max successful retrieval per week of 3. Retrievals reset to 0 on Sundays. Each retrieval has a cooldown of 12 hours for successful retrievals.
The following information is stored per straw or egg from your horse at the time of retrieval:
- Breed Standards (BS)
- Performance Stats (PS)
- Genetics
- Level
This means the resulting foal from using the straw or egg is based on the horse’s information at the time of retrieval. All foals born from a straw or embryo will display under the offspring for the stallion and/or mare used to make the straw or embryo.
Freezer Storage
Freezer storage is available at the Lab. This is where all of your straws, eggs, and embryos will be kept frozen until used. Storage is limited but can be expanded. Everyone has a base storage of 3 slots that can hold straws, eggs, or embryos. This can be increased using bits or for those wanting plenty of storage, ingots.
Each additional freezer storage slot costs 100,000 bits. At this rate, you can buy up to your 10th slot. Starting at slot #11 an ingot cost of 100 ingots with a hard-cap of 20.
The storage of straws and eggs does have a time limit. Straws, eggs, and embryos can be stored for 10 weeks with no effect on the fertility %. Starting at week 11, fertility decreases by 1% per week.