Quarter Horse
The American Quarter Horse is an iconic breed in the United States and is commonly used for Western disciplines and ranch work. It is believed the breed originated by the mixing of Spanish Barbs with horses owned by colonists for a horse that could run the fastest quarter mile. These horses were eventually bred to Janus, the grandson of The Godolphin Arabian, one of three founding Thoroughbred sires. Mustangs were eventually added into the mix and thus, the Quarter Horse was created. The breed is well known for its quick movement, speed, and intelligence.
Body Type: Stock
Stats: Flexibility, Intelligence, Speed
Crosses: Quarab, Azteca, Quarter Paint, Appendix Quarter Horse
Base Colors: All
White / Other Markings: Rabicano, Overo, Sabino, Roan, White, Splash White, Sooty, Dun
Design Lab Only Colors: None
Reserved Breeding Colors: None