Flaxen (f)
Flaxen (Top) is a homozygous recessive gene that only displays on chestnut base horses. This means only chestnut horses with “ff” genes will display a flaxen mane and tail. Black and bay horses will never display flaxen.

Silver (Z)
Silver (Bottom) is a gene that lightens the mane and tail on bay and black coats. Often silver can also lighten the coat or cause dappling. Horses only need one silver gene, Z, to display silver. In Horse Fable, bay bases will only have their mane and tail lightened to silver. For black bases, silver can lighten the base in its homozygous form, ZZ.
Silver and Black
Horses with black bases have the possibility of having their coat diluted due to the silver gene. The pony on top is a Silver Dapple which is caused by homozygous silver (ZZ) on a black coat.
The pony below is Silver Black which is caused by heterozygous silver (Zz) on a black coat. This changes the horse’s mane and tail color to silver.
In Horse Fable, horses with the silver gene do not display dappling but, there are rumors this could potentially change.