Clubs are created by using a Club Key which can be bought at the General Store. When creating a club, you may pick a club name and add a description.
Club Features include:
- Personal club logo.
- Add a banner to display in the directory.
- Custom banner that displays on the club page.
- A long and short description of the club.
- A private club forum.
- Ability to begin a Crossbreed Campaign to create a club owned crossbreed.
- Public or private registration of horses and members.
- Horse registration open to all or specific breeds.
- Horse registration open to all or specific disciplines.
- Horses registered receive star ratings.
- Members list with member type.
- Horse list with tabs for studs and broods.

Overview Tab
The overview tab displays the general stats of the club and club description. Here you can see a quick view of member and horse numbers, registration costs, leadership, registration guidelines, and the club description.
The club forum can be used by members to post about the club or use as a private communication board. Forums can be opened or closed under the “settings” tab.
The member tabs displays all current members in the club with their member types. Member types are Founder (If not president), President, Contributor, and Regular. Also on this page, you can view how many horses each member has registered in the club.
The horses tab displays all registered horses in the club with their breed, age, gender, level, and total PS. This tab also has sub tabs to view available registered studs and broods with their level, PS, and breeding cost.
The horses tab is also where you submit horses to the club for registration under the “Register A Horse” subtab. For club owners, this is where you will accept or reject horses to the club. A red dot will display on the “Horses” tab when any horses are needing approval.
The Campaign tab only displays once a club has been approved to begin a Crossbreed Campaign. This tab gives a run down of the crossbreed being created such as breed name, % breed makeup, a campaign goals overview, and breed information. This tab is also where horses are submitted as part of the campaign requirements. There are three boxes with generation names where horses that meet campaign requirements will be submitted.
The Campaign tab also shows the overall progress % of the campaign. This % will increase when horses are submitted for generations and when Campaign Coins are donated. A total of donations is displayed at the bottom of this tab with a (#/100) for easy reference. Learn more about campaigns here.
The finances tab works like the bank transactions do. Here you will see all Bits that have come in and out of the club.
The settings tab displays for club owners only. In this tab club owners may:
- Edit the club name
- Add club logo, page banner, and directory banner.
- Add a short description which displays on the directory page.
- Add a long description which displays on the club overview page.
- Adjust cost for user and horse registration.
- Adjust user and horse registration as public or private.
- Select if the forum is open or closed to posting.
- Add registration guidelines for horses.
The settings page also has a DANGER AREA! This area is where a club owner may transfer the club to another player or leave the club. Doing so is not reversible by staff so club owners must be certain they wish to do so.