Horses must be cared for in order to have enough health to complete any type of action such as breeding, training or showing. Horse care is made up of feed (+20% health per feed) for 3 bits, water (+30% health) for 1 bit, and groom (+10% health) for 6 bits. Feed and water are both required to breed, train, and show. However, grooming is not required, but reduces the random variable during breeding for BS from +/-6 from the parents average to +/-4. So, it’s important to groom prior to breeding.

Away Care Options
Horses boarded at someone else’s boarding center have a few care options:
- DIY – Do it yourself. This means all you pay for is the stall space to keep another horse. The boarding center will not have any care benefit to you. You will still have to manually feed/water/groom your horse.
- Part- Part care includes feed and water. Generally, part care costs more than DIY care as the boarding center must cover feed and water costs. If you only want to have to groom horses this option is for you!
- Full – Full care includes feed, water, and groom. Full care typically costs the most but ensures your horse is always fully cared for. If you wish to not have to worry about daily care, this boarding option is recommended.
Uncared for Horses
For now, uncared for horses will only stay in your stables and will never leave. But, we suggest caring for your horses as they probably enjoy that yummy yummy hay.
When you have a frozen account, horses will not need care until you return.
Home Boarded Care
Horses boarded at home have a few care options:
- You may manually feed/water/groom each horse daily from their page, but this takes the most time.
- You may buy feed and water storage from Mason in construction. On a horses edit page, you may select for them to eat and drink from storage nightly. Just be sure you have enough stored feed and water! Check this under Estate>Manage>Storage.
- You may also hire employees to mass feed, water, or groom your horses. Frank may be hired for feeding, Davita hired for grooming and Morgan for watering. Employees may be hired through construction for 50,000 bits each as a one-time payment. To use employees you select the checkboxes above your horse list in Horses>Manage>Care