Breed Standard (BS)
Breed standards (BS) are different for each breed in game and determine how close to the breed standard your horse is. This is because, in real life, every breed has a different standard for registration. The American Quarter horse and Arabian are two breeds with different standards based on what characteristics are desired for the breed.
In Horse Fable, breed standards range from 0 to 100, but a 100 does not mean your horse is perfect! In real life, some breed characteristics are more prominent and desired, such as the dished face of the Arabian or powerful hindquarters of the American Quarter Horse. However, each breed does have a standard for every part of the body because the full-body standard is what makes a breed, a breed. Breed standard values must be discovered by players. Some may choose to share the ideal breed standard values, but this is highly discouraged by others.

Horses are given a breed standard value for: Head, Shoulder, Topline, Hindquarter, Legs, and Hooves. A higher breed standard value for any of these parts means in real life, the breed is known for and typically bred for the characteristic. Going back to the Arabian, you would expect a breed standard value for the Arabian to be high for the Head since they are well known for their dished faces.
BS Ranges
The breed standards are broken into four categories based on the BS value: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent. An all excellent horse would be the perfect representation of that breed. The ranges are based on how far from the ideal BS value your horse is.
If an ideal breed standard value for the head was 50, the value of 50-53 is excellent, 54-57 good, 58-61 fair, and 62+ poor.
This also works the opposite way for 47-50 excellent, 46-43 good, 42-39 fair, and <38 poor.
It is important to note that even the worst BS horses when bred together could produce excellent offspring!!
+/- 0 – 3
+/- 4 – 7
+/- 8 – 11
+/- 12+
Discovering BS
Most players choose to chart their horses to find the ideal breed standard since this information is meant to be discovered. Charting also helps you determine what horses would best be suited for breeding together.
If you have lots of Arabians with excellent values for the topline trait and they are: 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,52, and 53. Using the ranges above you can determine the ideal value is 50. How?
- You have all 7 excellent values, this covers the 0 – 3 range from the breed standard ideal.
- The center value of these would indicate its the ideal value. This means by removing the end values in pairs: 47 and 53, 48 and 52, and 49 and 51.
- The remaining value is 50!
You do not need all 7 values to come to this conclusion. Why?
- If you find an Arabian with an excellent value of 53 but a good value of 54 this indicates the high end of the excellent range is 53.
- Then, finding the low end of the excellent range would work the same. You find an Arabian with an excellent value of 47 but a good value of 46.
- Now you know the excellent value ranges 47 to 53. Using the guide above you will find removing the pairs: 47 and 53, 48 and 52, and 49 and 51.
- The remaining value is 50!
Breeding for BS
Breeding for BS just takes a bit of math to determine foal outcomes in breedings. Foals will not have BS values shown at birth but at 2 years old. The BS calculation when breeding is:
(Mare value + stallion value/ 2) +/- 4 to 6 = Foal value
Horses that are groomed have a +/- value of 4, ungroomed is 6.
For example, you have a mare with a head value of 62 and the value of the stallion is 38.
((62 + 38) /2) +/- 6 = 44 – 56
The resulting foal head value is possible to range from 44 to 56 if your sire and dam are ungroomed when breeding. Let do the same but this time groom.
((62 + 38) /2) +/- 4 = 46 – 54
The resulting foal head value is possible to range from 46 to 54 if your sire and dam are groomed when breeding. This means your expected range is much smaller and more likely to hit the breed standard value you are looking for.

Star Value
Stars are gained by registering a horse to a Breed Registry or a Club. Star value is used by players to quickly view their horses and get an idea of their horses overall breed variance. Breed variance is the sum total of the variance from perfection of your horse’s breed. The color of the stars varies depending on what Registry or Club your horse is registered with.
Star Amount | BV Range |
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | 0-12 |
⭐⭐⭐⭐ | 13-24 |
⭐⭐⭐ | 25-36 |
⭐⭐ | 37-48 |
⭐ | 49-100 |
= registered to a Purebreed Registry
= registered to a Game Official Crossbreed Club
= registered to a Crossbreed Campaign
= registered to any player owned club