American Paint Horse

The American Paint was brought to the new world by Hernando Cortes. The newly introduced Paint began to roam the west freely and became a favorite of the Native American tribes. The horse was well liked for its color and stamina. The breed registry, American Paint Stock Horse Association, was created with the first registered horse, Bandits Pinto. The APSHA eventually merged with the American Paint Quarter Horse Association to create the American Paint Horse Association in 1965.

Body Type: Stock

Stats: Power, speed and agility.

Crosses: Quarter Paint, American Azteca

Base Colors: Bays, Chestnuts, Black, Creams, Pearl, Flaxen, Silver, Champagne, Grey

White / Other Markings: Sabino, Overo, Tobiano, Rabicano, Roan, White, Splash White, Sooty

Design Lab Only Colors: None

Reserved Breeding Colors: None