
The Mustang is known as the wild horse of the west. There are two types of Mustangs, the Spanish Mustang, and Mustang. The Spanish Mustang was created from the wild Mustang herds in which the wild horses were selectively bred by Native tribes and retained Iberian blood. Mustangs are the wild horses with no influence of selective breeding but, sometimes, were influenced by released domestic horses. Now, the Mustang herds are managed by the BLM and are often rounded up into holding pens. There is hope these horses will be adopted but the number of horses in holding pens exceeds those currently roaming wild.

Body Type: Stock

Stats: Endurance, Agility

Crosses: Abstang

Base Colors: Bays, Chestnuts, Black, Greys, Creams, Champagnes

White / Other Markings: Sabino, Overo, Tobiano, Rabicano, Roan,  Splash White, Sooty, Dun, Flaxen, Silver, Leopards

Design Lab Only Colors: None

Reserved Breeding Colors: None