
The Percheron is a large draft breed from Le Perche that is known for its size and strength. The breed was historically needed to pull heavy loads for long hours and was typically sporting a grey coat color. The Percheron came to the United States after a need for a large breed to help settle the west. Today, the breed is still used for some heavy work and pleasure.

Body Type: Draft

Stats: Power, Endurance, Intelligence

Crosses: None

Base Colors: Bays, Chestnuts, Black, Greys

White / Other Markings: None

Design Lab Only Colors: None

Reserved Breeding Colors: Roan

Reserved breeding colors are limited, extremely rare genes that are only gained by achieving a set requirement in a breeding mare or stallion. These requirements are set per breed with a limited gene and are only available until the admin deems the gene to be sustainable by the current population. Percherons must be 4*+, level 70+, PS of 1,000+, and a TB of 10+ to breed to admin-owned horses for a chance at the rare gene.